Code of Conduct for Students
As per the CBSE Education Code, Article 60:
A. The Following acts and conduct on the part of the students will amount to misconduct:
i. Misbehaviours towards teachers or any other employees of the school.
ii. Intentional disturbance of classes.
iii. Absence from classes without the permission of the Teacher/ Vice-Principal/ Principal.
iv. Bullying/ Intimidation of others.
V. Eve-teasing/ Misbehaviour towards girl students.
vi. Damaging/Disfiguring school property.
vii. Propagating a strike/disruption of classes.
viii. Association with banned organizations.
ix. Propagating communal cast feeling amongst the students.
X. Indulging in physical violence in any manner.
xi. Disobeying lawful orders of the Teachers / Vice- Principal / Principal.
xii. Bringing unauthorized people/articles inside the school.
xiii. Theft pilferage of school/ student’s property.
xiv. Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
xv. Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
B. In above acts of misconducts, Principal shall take suitable action as per observations of the disciplinary committee depending on the gravity of the misconduct, which may include:
i. Oral/written warning to the students and parents.
ii. Suspension from attending classes/school for a specific period.
iii. Recovery of loss to school property.
iv. Issue of Leaving Certificate.
v. Expulsion from school.
School Management Committee can change the above rules and regulations any time without informing the parents.